Search Results - Lorde insults Whitney Houston Video: Lorde Slated Over Insensitive Whitney Houston ReferenceWe often post things on social media mindles... Lorde Video: This Houston Rockets Seat Attendant Shows Off His MovesThis seat attendant went viral after he deci... Seat House Tiger Roaming Streets Of Houston And Cause Tense ConfrontationHave you ever imagined having a wild life an... Tiger Hero Dog Saves Seven Kittens And Takes Them In As Her OwnA brave husky named Banner has been hai... Kittens Video: The Gordon Ramsay Twitter RampageGordon Ramsay is well known for his hilariou... Gordon Video: Thug Life Comebacks That Wont Have You Coming BackThe best of the thug life comebacks. Not eve... Pretty Giant Colourful Painted Skulls Fills Streets Of Houston Celebrating Day Of The DeadWith Halloween being celebrated and with the... Skulls Video: The Most Savage Of Celebrity ComebacksThe celebrity kings and queens of comebacks ... Brutal Video: Here's A Wee Lesson In ScottishAccents can be really difficult to understan... Understand Video: The Trolls Are Creeping Into The New Avengers Movie!We all know too well that people can be nast... Tweets Video: The Best, Most Savage And Funniest Gordon Ramsey Moments!The infamous Gordon Ramsey is not only known... Kitchen 1